Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Cast: The Magi

A Different Approach

This post is a  continuation of the preceding post concerning the Birth of Christ.

3. The idea that the gods had offspring with human women is a recurring thought in ancient writings.  It is found in Greek mythology, in Babylonian and Egyptian writings as well as in the Bible.  When the sons of the gods had sexual intercourse with the daughters of men, the Bible tells us, their offspring were mighty men of renown. Gen.6:4.

A mighty man of renown is not what Jehovah wanted when Christ was born.  He must have a perfect human being.   I see it this way; Jehovah, an ET, had made a deal with Satan, the God of this world. 2 Cor. 4:4.  Simply stated, the deal said, either a perfect human must pay the ransom price for the mortal race or none of mankind will have a chance at eternal ecstasy.  Jesus Christ is both a perfect human and the Son of God and so He could fulfil all the requirements laid down by Satan.

The God of the Jews, Jehovah, at crucial times, in the history of his chosen people, guided the lineage of Mary, the mother of Christ.  It was found that she, through careful genealogical programming, had the right genes to become the mother of Christ, the Son of Jehovah.  

The Lord, having chosen the young woman from among the Jewish people, sent an angel, whose name was Gabriel. He was bearing the divine seed with him, and through artificial insemination, implanted the seed, and the young virgin was pregnant.  In this way, Christ was, in fact, the Son of Jehovah and the son of human lineage.

From reading the story of the conception and birth of Christ, in the Bible, it is easy to arrive at the aforementioned conclusion if we are willing to look beyond the Church's closed minded teachings.

The Magi are Guided

What if you knew what stars looked like but didn't know what an airplane was? What would you call the airplane lights? ... Now, if I were to tell you that last night I saw a set of flashing stars that moved across the sky, what would you say? Would you agree that they were stars, or would you tell me that I really saw an airplane?

... Remember, the wise men knew what stars were, but probably didn't know what UFOs were

At the time that Christ was born, as was normal, there were shepherds looking after their sheep, out in the fields.  At night, while they were watching their flocks, the light from a UFO shone all around them.  The shepherds were afraid of the spacecraft, so one of the Lord’s robots came closer to them and said, do not be afraid, this UFO has not come to hurt you. I bring you good news of great joy, which will come to all people. Luke 2:10

Here, suddenly, a new stage is set.  The focal point is no longer, The Lord of Israel.  The new theme is, peace on earth; great joy shall be to all people (nations), for Jesus, the Lord of Peace, is not a national god as were the gods of the UFOs.  He is the Son of Jehovah, and He will later pay the penalty required by Satan, the god of this world. 2 Cor. 4:4.

Jehovah wanted the whole world to become involved with His Son; The Messiah: 
  • The Romans were involved, for they had the military rule of Judea at that time. 
  • The Greeks, the intellectuals, were always looking for a new story to write or argue about, and they heard about the Messiah naturally, in the course of their activities. 
  • The Jews, being kin to the mother of Christ, were involved because of that. 
  • One class of people needed to be called to the scene; the mystics; the astrologers from the East.
The wise men of the East, as would be expected, responded to the new light in the sky; a light moving from the East to the West. They decided to follow the "star", and when they arrived at their destination, the light shone down on a stable in Bethlehem.

Some scholars believe that since Jupiter and Saturn were in conjunction at that time they appeared to be a bright star.  That light certainly cannot have been from normal "stars" or planets (even if they were in conjunction).  How can stars or planets in conjunction shine down on one particular spot in any one city? 

The same argument must be used against the idea that the light was from a meteor; a meteor does not shine down on only one small area.  The people who advance these hair-brained opinions surely cannot have thought very carefully about the ideas they present.

We may as well speculate that the light was produced by a spacecraft?  It meets all the necessary requirements.  In their past, the Jews had followed a beam of light through the Red Sea and in their wilderness wanderings!
In this case, a UFO could provide a light shining down to guide the Magi.   It had the ability to move at the right speed so that the wise men and their camels could keep up with it on their journey of approximately 750 miles.  Also, it could wait for them while they needed to stop and rest.   It could shine down on any small town because it was close enough to earth to "spotlight" it.  It could direct its beam to any chosen spot in that town: namely the stable in Bethlehem.

That this light, which the Magi followed, was produced by a UFO is the most likely theory that has yet been presented.  If only we would be willing to open our minds and look past od religious hang-ups.

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Cast: Christ, the Birth of the Super Hero


While questioning old theological doctrines and bringing forth new theories, there are, of course, many un-thought of questions and many seeming contradictions.  Most of these problems can be solved though if a person is willing to lay aside many age-old suppositions and narrow-minded prejudices.  It becomes necessary to remove from ones thinking many of the basic and unscriptural teachings of the church.  

As a Christian, one wants to be careful not to disparage anything concerning Christ’s personality or holiness.  Yet, if one insists that the Lord of the Jews, Jehovah, is an ET and that Christ is His son, then one must also believe that Jesus Christ is the son of an ET.  The following statements may sound sacrilegious, but they are not meant to be.

In speaking of Christ, I should probably repeat here that I do not accept the doctrine of the Trinity.  It is obviously a doctrine created by the Roman Catholic Church about three hundred years after the death of Christ.  

I know of three different theories concerning the immaculate conception of Christ.  Here, of course, I exclude those theories that say the story is based on lies, or that Mary was not aware of, or did not admit, her past activities. 

1. The word used for this theory is parthenogenesis, it is simply the Greek way of saying virgin birth

This theory simply states that a female body has all the chemicals needed to produce a child by itself.  In a blog called "Slate", Melinda Wenner Mayer wrote, "So, while it is possible for a human baby to be born of a virgin mother, it's very, very unlikely..." She placed the likelihood of that happening at much less than one in a billion.

Den Poitras in a post called, PARTHENOGENESIS: women’s long-lost ability to self-conceive, on the blog, World Mysteries, wrote, It is said that Buddha's mother conceived her son when is a state of blissful meditation under a banyan tree. Mary conceived Jesus in more or less the same way. It's also been said that Leonardo Divinci, possibly Joan of Ark, ... and scores more geniuses, visionaries and healers throughout history are claimed to have come about this way.

If many of the lower species can, and do, conceive Parthenogenetically, I don't think it's too shocking to assume that humans also can.  

In that same post Mr Poitras quotes Dr Raymond Bernard, Some...dermoid cysts, sometimes mistaken by surgeons for tumors, ...really are embryos, ...similar in all respects to the products of gestation, containing bones, hair, teeth, flesh, glands, portions of the scalp, face, eyes, ribs,—–in short, all the organs of the human bodywhat else could they be but virgin embryos in the process of development?”

Theologians have, ever since the days of Saint Paul, argued that sin entered the human race through Adam, not through Eve.  He wrote, Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world. Rom. 5:12.  Eve was deceived, and so, not at fault, but Adam knew what he was doing, therefore he is to blame.  Isn't it reasonable then, to argue that if a child is born to a virgin, that child would not be burdened with all the negative aspects imparted by a sinful human father?

If this theory holds any interest for you, I strongly recommend that you read Mr Poitras's post.

2. The teaching that the church has held for about twenty centuries. The holy spirit came upon the virgin, Mary, and she became pregnant.  Mary asked the visiting angel, How can this happen? I am not married!  The angel answered, The Holy Spirit will come down to you, and God’s power will come over you. So your child will be called the holy Son of God. Luke 1:33-35

That teaching leads us directly into the third theory with which I will continue in my next post.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Cast: Daniel, the Prognosticator

Laser Emitters In The Bible

It was recently mentioned that the word, vision, can refer to, either, a mental image, or, to the seeing of a real object. It seems that many visions of the Bible, and throughout church history, have been enacted by a saucerian cast and then electrically portrayed to certain individuals.

In 586 BCE the Babylonian army successfully fought against Judah and took many of its elite citizens as captives back to Babylon.   For the background to this bit of history, I suggest:

Daniel and his friends were among those who were taken away.  King Nebuchadnezzar was interested in having new ideas among the prestigious in his court, and so he arranged to have the smartest and most handsome Jewish young men move into the palace.  Besides being ten times better than that of any of his other advisors and magicians. Daniel also had the gift of interpreting dreams.  More than that, though, Daniel could even tell the king what the king had dreamed.

For a little of the following piece of history see:                              

After Belshazzar ascended the throne of Babylon, one evening while the court was partying and drinking, Suddenly a human hand was seen writing on the plaster wall of the palace. The hand was just behind the lampstand, and the king could see it writing.  Daniel 5:5.  That which was written was Jehovah's message to King Belshazzar.  

We have been taught that it was God who wrote the message, even though the Bible does not say that.  If the Almighty, non-physical God, did the writing, why did a human looking hand also appear in the vision?  The spiritual, ever-present God does not have hands – or, at least, that is what the Bible teachers have told us.  

It is much more logical to believe that many visions were being acted out on a spacecraft and that something like a camera and a transmitter were being used to show the vision to earthlings.  The people throughout history who have seen visions did not have physical receivers, such as TVs, with which to pick up the signals.  Therefore, another kind of transmitter was required.

Modern day science has developed that kind of transmitter.  It is possible with a laser emitter to portray a scene on any wall, the way Belshazzar saw it, or even in mid-air.  (I have seen a laser emitter write words in the air.)  There is nothing to indicate that devices similar to this could not have been used by scientifically progressive saucerians.

Many spectacular sights, or visions, have been seen against the backdrop of the sky.  Reference to one such vision is evidence of its possibility.  The sightings of, The Lady of Fatima, as the vision has come to be known, began happening in the spring of 1916 in...Portugal.

Three youngsters, ... [were] tending sheep when suddenly a strong wind swept along the hillside...a ball of light came steadily toward them until they were enveloped in it, and then they saw the luminous figure of a man materialize in the glow.” If this was all that would have happened concerning that vision one could discard it as fantasy of children at play. However, in different forms the vision kept on repeating itself to many different people at specifically pre-stated times. At first, it was the angel who called himself “the angel of Portugal”. The later visions were of “Our Lady of Fatima", she never came down to the ground, seeming always to float at the top of a small holm oak. God Drives a Flying Saucer. Dione. Bantam Books, New York.

June 13, about fifty curious onlookers saw the vision.   The vision of July 13 was witnessed by more than 3000 sightseers and more than 20,000 people saw the vision in Sept.   If so many people agree on having seen the same thing at the same time, we are almost forced to concede that the sightings are real.   

To insist that these visions are Satan inspired is to contradict Christ.   In all these visions, the message was for the people to start praying and to live a God-pleasing life.  If Satan was to teach that message, his "house” would be divided against itself and it would collapse by his own doing.  This, according to Christ, is not going to happen.

Sometimes, in the past, when the gods had a special message for the world they would draw pictures or write words in the sky.  Until now, this has seemed so fantastic to humans that they have believed them to come from the Almighty.  

Times are changing, even humans can write words in the sky or portray pictures in mid-air.  The gods will need to come up with a new technique for communicating with us if we are to continue believing that they are infinite.  If they do not, we may not much longer hear what they are saying to us because their method of communication will no longer appear to be supernatural.


I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. Dan.7:13.KJV.  In this verse Daniel is seeing the future; the setting is in preparation for the white throne judgement, which all people will face, at the end of time. Daniel 7:22.

Even if he would have used the word “vision” throughout the book, it still does not rule out the idea of seeing something physically.  Dr Strong tells us that, in Greek, the word, vision, #4758, means, the act of gazing.  It can mean, either (external) an aspect or (internal) an inspired appearance.  So, according to Dr Strong, the word, vision, leaves the meaning wide open to be a spiritual vision, as we normally think of biblical visions, or it can be a scene which can be seen with physical eyes.

In Daniel's vision, again, we see the, almost proverbial, clouds associated with a UFO, and coming in the clouds is Christ Jesus, the son of man.  He is brought into the presence of Jehovah, His Father.

Daniel sees Jehovah sitting on His throne.  Most older translations describe Jehovah as the Ancient of Days, but some newer translations have changed it to, the Eternal God.  Again, it appears that they did this to make the Bible agree with church theology.  

Strong, in his Dictionary of Hebrew Words, tells us that, Ancient (#6268) of days, does not mean, the Eternal God, but it means, venerable; old.  There is absolutely nothing in this story that speaks of Jehovah as being eternal or almighty.  However, it tells us that Jehovah has aged!

Which leaves lots of room for us to believe that He is an alien!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Cast: Ezekiel, The Reporter

A Close Encounter

The most amazing example of an Old Testament Close Encounter is the Book of Ezekiel. Read the beginning of Chapter 1…only imagine that it is a UFO landing.

With this idea in mind, Ezekiel’s experience is almost understandable. Ezekiel’s Book was so controversial that it nearly did not survive the religious editors who did throw out the Book of Enoch. … His Book should be in the Old Testament. It has surfaced from independent sources which validate the ancient text. The Book of Enoch was edited out of the Bible by the Ecumenical Council for its controversies. Enoch, like Ezekiel, was taken on many flights by the gods (angels) and witnessed great horrors and beauty
Copyright 2002-2012 by Doug Yurchey.  

I may have missed something in the Bible but I do not recall reading that Ezekiel ever was in a spaceship.

Ezekiel has of late come to be known as the man, in the Bible, who was involved with space vehicles.  Mr Von Daniken also ascribed this position to Ezekiel.  Mr Blumrich did a study attempting to prove Mr Von Daniken wrong concerning his opinions about Ezekiel and spaceships.  In his studies, he came to the same conclusions Mr Van Daniken held.  At the time that Mr Blumrich wrote his book, he was an engineer in charge of the NASA construction research group in Huntsville, Alabama.

Some say that Mr Blumrich was simply writing a fiction book, others strongly argue that point.  Perhaps he does push reasonableness a bit too far, but, really, it seems that apart from describing a UFO sighting, there is no reasonable way to interpret the book of Ezekiel.

In his document about the spaceships that Ezekiel saw, Mr Blumrich wrote, we are surprised to find a stage of technology that is in no way fantastic, but rather falls almost within the field of present-day addition the conclusions show a spaceship that was used in connection with a command module in orbit around the earth. The only fantastic thing is that such a spaceship was tangible reality more than 2,500 years ago”.     
In Search of Ancient Gods. Von Daniken (Heron and Souvenir Press, New York, N.Y.1973).

Von Daniken continues: He (Blumrich) goes on to say, it is possible to infer the general appearance of the spaceship described by Ezekiel from his account.  In the beginning of Ezekiel, the prophet wrote of the approach of four faces from above. In reality, the ‘four’ referred to the landing legs of the craft. Blumrich was shocked when he read the Old Testament report of ‘straight legs’ of ‘burnished brass’ with ’round feet.’ The NASA scientist himself designed the metallic, straight legs and round footpads of the lunar lander.
Copyright 2002-2012 by Doug Yurchey

Unexplained Mysteries; Posted Dec. 17, 2015:

Columnist: Doug Yurchey
Otis T. Carr and the Tesla saucers. Posted on Friday, 29 June 2007

Otis T. Carr (1904-1980?) was a protégé of the great inventor Nikola Tesla. Carr and his team constructed a number of fully functional, flying saucers in the late 1950s. The flying disks worked and were demonstrated. Carr was serious about ‘taking his craft to the Moon.’ However, two weeks after a dramatic test flight, their laboratory was forcibly closed. Federal agents confiscated equipment as well as all documentation. Authorities told them Carr’s project would ‘destroy the monetary system of the United States.’ Ralph Ring, now aged 72, was aboard that incredible and successful test flight. He and Carr, with their 45-foot saucer, transported themselves 10 miles at the speed of light!

IMPORTANT: Click on the Project Camelot link and download Ralph Ring speak of Otis T. Carr, the events leading to the OTC crafts and the project’s eventual shutdown by the feds: - 

Mr Wilson, with his pseudo-Bible teaching, says that what Ezekiel saw could not have been a spacecraft because Ezekiel himself said that it was a vision.  
Clifford Wilson, Gods in Chariots and other Fantasies (Creation-Life Publishers, San Diego, Cal.)  

However, if we again check the Dictionary of Hebrew Words by Mr Strong, we find that the word, vision #4758, can refer to, an appearance (the thing seen) whether (real) ... or mental.  This definition certainly takes all the strength out of Mr Wilson’s argument that it could not have been a real spaceship.  According to Strong's definition, either argument stands.

The UFO is Described

In v.4 Ezekiel takes over the writing of his book, that is where it changes to the first person pronoun.  He, then, describes the vision as it appears to him.  It is impossible for people to write in unknown words or to express thoughts other than those with which they are familiar. 

It was not until the middle of the twentieth century that UFOs came to be known as flying saucers, and so, of course, Ezekiel does not call the thing he saw a flying saucer.  These words would have had no meaning to him or to his readers for the next 2,500 years. Perhaps, another reason he did not call it a flying saucer is that from close up, and standing on the earth, with its landing gear on the ground, it did not look like a saucer at all.

Rather than giving it a specific name, he describes it in detail.  His description starts with the, by now, familiar whirlwind, cloud and fire.  Why do these physical manifestations appear, when Jehovah shows Himself to humans if he is a spiritual being only?

In v.5 Ezekiel tells us that out of the fire came the likeness of four living creatures...they had the form of men.  He is not saying that they had all the features of humans, he is saying that the basic shape was cylindrical, like that of a human.  Why would they not be?  A landing module might well be equipped with four supports on which to make a soft landing, and these supports, in all likelihood, would be cylindrical, each one would have the form of a man.  The same way we see stationary UFO’s pictured these days.

In verse 6 he tells us that there were four propeller blades above each creature, similar to those used on helicopters.  The hands of a man that he speaks of are in reference to the hydraulic rods and their holders which are used to raise and lower the blades. He calls the blades, wings because he did not have a more accurate word to use.  

According to Ezekiel, the four wings were joined one to another; that is, to the central shaft, which would cause the wings to turn whenever the spaceship was to ascend or descend.  If we were reading here of regular ‘angels type wings’ it would seem strange that Ezekiel should say they turned not.  At least common opinion has it that angel’s wings do not turn, rather, they move back and forth.  

He is telling us that the wings could turn when it was necessary but that it was also possible for the UFO to move along the ground on its wheels without using its propellers.  In that mode of travel, the wings were folded away, two were folded up and two were folded down.  This was probably required because the blades were so wide that if all four had been folded in the same direction they could not all have been brought close to the landing gear.  This whole fascinating description is in Ezekiel chapter 1!

Not only was the landing module equipped with propellers, but it also had the use of jet propulsion, or something similar.  Ezekiel describes it in these words. In the midst of the living creatures there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches moving to and fro among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning. 1:13.  After that, he noticed that there was one huge wheel by each cylindrical object.  Since when has the Omni-present God needed wheels to convey Himself from place to place?  

It is easy to see that the Lord of the Old Testament is a saucerian, with physical limitations.  He is a God who needs a UFO to conduct himself and other ET's and his angels (robots) from one planet to another.  As to the nature and the function of the wheels and the rest of the technical aspects of Ezekiel’s vision, Mr Blumrich has given an excellent treatise.  The Spaceships of Ezekiel, Joseph F. Blumrich.
Above the four cylinders, there was a firmament. One of the meanings of the word, firmament, is a vault The Prophets. Harpers Bible, BewerIn other words, that firmament was the living quarters and the control room of the landing module.  Ezekiel says that the four cylinders were attached to the vault, as indeed they would be if his vision were that of a UFO.

He also reports that the propeller blades, which he calls wings, made a noise, like the noise of great waters.  It was after the noise had ceased and the blades had been folded away that there came the voice from above the firmament over their heads. 1.22.  This was the voice of a saucerian, speaking through an amplifying apparatus.  

Ezekiel also mentions that seated above the likeness of a throne, was the likeness as it were of a human form. v.26.   The word, throne, is referring to the seat of the ship’s commander.  In verse 1 of the book, the writer says, I saw visions of God.  In v.26 Ezekiel clarifies that point and says, upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it.  

The God he saw had a human form and was sitting on a physical throne.  In this connection, it is profitable to read The Revelation 4:2-3After this I looked, and there in heaven a door stood open! … there in heaven stood a throne, with one seated on the throne!
The theory that Ezekiel saw a UFO and an ET, which he called God, makes far too much sense to reject it.  It is far more meaningful than the supposedly spiritual vision with which Ezekiel has been credited.  If we accept as a fact, that Ezekiel saw a spacecraft, the whole Bible becomes subject to similar interpretations, as indeed it should

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Cast: Elijah, The Weatherman

UFO's Galore

A strong wind, a shaking of the earth and fires are common occurrences in many reports on UFO landings.  There is a near modern-day vision, which has come to be known as “Our Lady of Fatima”.  In this vision, a few children of Portugal, like Elijah, first experienced a strong wind, then a ball of light, after which they, like Elijah, heard the voice of a saucerian.

In the early 1960s, in many of the daily newspapers, there appeared a photograph of some officials standing on a paved road with a huge hole burned through the pavement.  The story was that, the night before, a flying saucer had landed there and that at take-off, probably, it had burned the hole through the pavement.

Many incidents of UFO sightings have been reported.  Most of them include a bright shining object.  There is a report of an incident, from the captain of a Lufthansa aircraft, which is said to have happened Feb. 15, 1967.  The captain reports, He and four members of the crew...saw close to their own machine a flying object with a diameter of about thirty-three feet that shone dazzlingly and flew alongside them for some time.

Modern times, better cameras and equipment, people devoting their lives to spotting Ufo's have done a lot to verify their existence to a point where most thinking people accept them as being real.

And Then Their Was Elijah

Elijah was hiding in a cave, afraid for his life, for the Jews were destroying the prophets of the Lord.  The Lord spoke to Elijah and said Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord.  Then we read that the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire. 1 Kings 19:11.  

The setting, as described here, has all the requirements needed for the landing of a UFO.  If this story were found any place, rather than in the Bible, it would be ridiculed and called fiction; since it is in the Bible, scholars simply say, it does not mean what it says, it must not be taken literally.

Israel, in the time of Elijah, was suffering a drought, because they had forsaken the Lord and gone after other gods, especially Baal.  Elijah set up a contest between himself and the prophets of Baal.  The God who made it rain would be chosen as the God of Israel.  Elijah gave them every advantage they needed to win the contest.  Even so, they lost.  Then the Israelites fell to the ground, saying, The Lord, He is God! the Lord, He is God! 1 Kings 18:39.  

It was then that the weather began to change for Israel.  Elijah went to the top of the mountain and began praying.  He had already told Ahab, the king, to go and become festive, for there was the sound of abundance of rain.  However, it was not raining yet!  What was Elijah hearing?  

Perhaps, it was the sound of a spacecraft.  Why did his servant have to go seven times to look if it was getting cloudy?  Did it take the saucerians that long to collect the water and produce clouds above Israel?  If the Almighty sent this rain, would it not have been ready as soon as the Jews worshipped God?  

How could making rain be done with UFOs?  Several theories are available.  First, if an area was suffering a drought due to natural conditions, and the Lord, the captain of the spaceship, wanted that area to have rain, He could arrange to do it through the anti-gravitational effect of the spacecraft.  

By lifting water out of the sea, and taking it to a place above the land that was drought-stricken, He could release it as slowly or quickly as he wished to.  However, if a system such as this, or one similar to this, was used, it would be mandatory to distil the salt water on the spacecraft before it was released as rain, on the land.  

If, however, the Lord wanted to produce a drought, to bring His people to repentance, a counter-action could be employed.  If the country, because of natural weather conditions, was having "lovely growing weather", the Lord could simply, with gravity, attract the clouds to the spaceship, take them out to sea and drop the water there.

A second theory is similar except that heat would be used to evaporate and lift the water of the sea, then bring it to the appointed place and release it as rain.  This theory carries with it the possibility of producing hailstones, sleet or snow exactly in accordance with the Lord’s wishes, through cycles of heat and cold.  By using heat rather than gravitational pull, the need for a separate process of distillation would be eliminated, because distillation would already have taken place at the time of evaporation.

That UFOs can radiate unbelievable heat...over wide areas, is substantiated by a number of eyewitness reports...Oct. 20,1954...Robert Reveille saw a UFO. It fluttered and bobbed just above the trees; a strange discoid object about twenty feet in diameter. As he watched he noticed a perceptible rise in the temperature, and in just a few moments the craft bolted upward and was quickly lost from sight. Seconds later a thick fog rose from the woods, and Reveille reports, “the heat grew intolerable”...Reveille discovered that despite the rain, the site was completely dry. 
Dione, God Drives a Flying Saucer.

Elijah is Taken

Towards the end of Elijah’s life on earth, we read of him and Elisha; as they still went on and talked, behold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. 2 Kings 2:11.  According To Dr Strong, the word, heaven, in the Old Testament has two meanings.  First, the which the birds fly, and second, the higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve.  

In this case, Elisha recorded what he thought he experienced.  We, however, know that a natural whirlwind could not have taken Elijah to heaven, the place of Jehovah’s abode.  Neither could a natural whirlwind have taken him to the higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve.  

Therefore, it must be agreed, that, it was not a natural whirlwind that took Elijah away.  It is accepted by many that at the time of take-off, in some instances, UFOs create a gigantic wind, that is circular in motion, resembling a whirlwind.  It was a fiery chariot, that made the whirlwind, which took Elijah away.  

Elisha made a big deal about the chariots of Israel with its horsemen.  However, he offers no description of the whirlwind which, to him, seems incidental.

Not only were there chariots of fire, but there were also horses of fire.  Dr Wilson suggests, in contention, that if one accepts the chariots as being literal one must also accept the horses as being literal.  He says that the Jews had no trouble accepting these statements as being symbolic.  

Possibly so, however, I would carry his trend of thinking another step.  I propose that the symbolism involved is a chariot: the UFO is real but Elisha was limited to using words and expressing ideas he knew, and words and ideas that his hearers (readers) could understand.  According to him, anything that people could ride is called a chariot.  The symbolic meaning of horses is horsepower.  Elisha, speaking as directly as he could, in his frame of reference, with words and ideas he knew, called the fire of the UFO power source, at the time of taking off, fiery horses.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Cast: Joshua, Head of the Demolition Force

Sound Waves for Effect

There are many ancient stories, which tell of the use of sound waves for accomplishing great feats.  If one was to accept these stories as fact, it is easy to see how the saucerians could assist their appointed nations with the use of sound waves.  There are stories, which tell of the use of sound waves to lift huge rocks; rocks, including “Baalbek”.  Writes one author; there is not a crane in the world today that could raise this monolith from the quarry.  He also wrote, Coptic writings relate the process by which blocks for the pyramids were elevated by the sound of chanting.  
We Are Not The First, Andrew Thomas. 

The estimated weight of the largest manmade stone block, in Baalbek, is 1650 tons. Interestingly the largest crane in the world today has a limit of 1200 tones. Nope, mankind's latest equipment is a bit too small for that job.

Did the aliens have a weightlifting tool that we know nothing about?  If lifting weights by sound was just a fairy tale from one culture, it would be easy to dismiss.  However, other peoples have similar stories.  For example the Islands of Nan Madol and the South Sea Islands, where one finds the statues of Easter Island tell of the same strange feats.  

From modern India comes the story of a rock which will rise from the ground if eleven people stand around it, touching it with their fingertips and all the while chanting, very clearly, Qamar Ali Dervish.  We Are Not The First; Andrew Thomas.  It is reported that this demonstration is happening about six times a day, every day and that tourists are invited to join in.

Sounds, of course, can be used for other things then lifting stones. From present-day examples, we have learned that some women can sing at so high a pitch that glass will shatter. We are also familiar with the sonic boom of supersonic jets, which can shake houses and break picture windows. 

Scientists are investigating the possibility of a death trumpet!  Professor Gavreau...built a genuine ‘death trumpet’ which developed 2,000 watts and sent out sound waves at 37 hertz (cycles per second). This apparatus could not be tested at full strength in Marseilles because it would have sent buildings crashing to the ground over a radius of several miles. 
Gods from Outer Space. Von Daniken, (Bantam Books, New York, N.Y.)

The Walls Came Tumbling Down

In the Old Testament, we read, As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat. Joshua 6:20. To attribute the destruction of the walls of Jericho to sound waves is merely a suggestion as to how Jehovah, working for the Israelites, could have performed the miracle.  

It has been suggested that there was an earthquake at Jericho at the same time and that is the reason the walls fell; and that the Israelites were simply in the right place at the right time. If that theory is true, why did the people need to shout and why did the priests need to blow on the trumpets?

If we answer; the shouting of the people and the blowing of the trumpets were a sign of the faith of the people, we are forced to ask again, why does an all-knowing God need to see signs of faith?  Surely, He would know whether the faith was present without an audible representation of it.  The suggestion made here is that the priests were blowing their death trumpets, which caused the walls to shatter.  The shout of the people was a shout of joy because they had succeeded in gaining entrance into the city.

"ATB (Above Top Secret) Blog" we get the following two submissions:

In my research into all things unexplained, I've come across numerous ancient(and one modern) accounts of large stones moved with sound. the walls of Jericho come a'tumblin down to the sound of trumpets. There is a papyrus…from ancient Egypt describing the pyramids being built by "priests who struck the stone with their staff and played a trumpet moving the stones into place as if by magic", various retellings of merlin erecting stonehenge center around this theme as well. And there is a modern account by the british royal scientific society … observing priests in Tibet around the 1940's standing in a semi circle around a 5 ton stone with an array of musical instruments and chanting causing the stone to lift off the ground and place it's self into a retaining wall being built. I believe the stone also had a circular depression at the top filled with water. And certain sensitive microchips are assembled suspended in air by a certain frequency so as to avoid damaging the goods through improper handling. 
Feb. 9, 2008 by siahchi

A reply to that was posted on Mar. 9, 2008 by R.F. Burns

At the right amplitude and frequency, sound waves can do some awsome things. 

Like shatter objects of varying materials. Induce magnetic properties into certian metals. 

Resonance....shoot something that has its own resonant frequency with an identical or harmonic wave with enough amplitude and you can resonate that object till it either falls apart or begins to move due to vibration at the resonant frequency. 

As far as the ancinets using sound, they understood the basic principle of wave guide techniques in allowing them to build amplitheatres where the voices of the actors/singers on stage would be amplified by the structure itself so that the crowd in the entire seating area would hear just fine.

Some argue that since using sound waves to move heavy objects cannot be proven to work, that theory should just be put to rest.  In response to that argument I ask, What if the Wright Brothers would have followed the same type of reasoning of not trying something unproven?  What if Louis Pasteur would not have looked past what was “fact” in his day? 

Does the use of sound waves, to move objects, really seem too wild to accept in our time of myriad inventions? Here is a requote: That which was impossible yesterday becomes possible today and tomorrow we will wonder why we ever thought it impossible. 
Dione, God Drives a Flying Saucer,

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Cast: Aaron, with a cell phone?

Microphones and loudspeakers

There is another facet concerning the Ark of the Covenant used to commune with God; the cherubim above the Ark of the Covenant.  The Bible says, from between the two cherubims that are upon the ark of the testimony, I will speak with you. Ex.25:22.  

Mr Von Daniken suggests that the wings of the cherubim might have been loudspeakers and microphones.  Mr Wilson rejects this idea, mostly on the basis that God does not need a loudspeaker or a microphone to talk with His people.  

While one must admit that Von Daniken’s theory leaves a lot of holes and unanswered questions, one must also insist that Mr Wilson’s objections are ill-founded and that he uses his concluding point as his main argument.  That is, Mr Wilson does not think that God would use electronics to communicate with people and therefore we must conclude that God has never done so.  This is, simply, an unacceptable way of debating.

Both microphones and loudspeakers need magnets to make them work, and the magnets need to be influenced by electrical impulses.  Von Daniken's argument is that is why the Cherubim were placed on top of the Ark of the Covenant, which was a source of electricity.

Mr Wilson’s second reason for rejecting this theory is that the Greeks did not discover the lodestone, the bases of magnetism, until a few hundred years after Moses’ death.  However, the fact that the Greeks did not discover the lodestone, until after the death of Moses, does not prove that God, a space travelling ET, could not have revealed the source and use to Moses and his engineers before the Greeks found it.

The question could be raised, “why should these be cherubim?  Why not simply, a loudspeaker and a microphone, as we know them?  We must remember that the Ark of the Covenant was found in the most holy place in the Jewish tabernacle.  This was by far the most sacred place for all Jews.  

Cherubim, with golden wings, would certainly remind them of the presence of the angel of God.  It would be a much more suitable reminder of “The Holy” than regular loudspeakers would.  Perhaps a twofold purpose was accomplished with the use of the cherubim; first, aesthetic value, and second, a practical value, a way to communicate with God.

A Cell Phone

On the theme of communicating electronically with God, it has been suggested that the Urim and ThummimEx. 28:30, worn in the breastplate of the Jewish high priest, were, in fact, two “transistorized” circuit boards, one a receiver and the other a sender.  According to this theory, the high priest would have had continual access to the Lord, the God of Israel.    Of course, as expected, this suggestion has been argued against on the basis that God does not need electronics to commune with his people.  

Yet, it must be remembered, that in one form or another, everything, including humans, is receptive to electrical impulses, indicating that the gods, who created us know all about electrons and how to use them.  This theory gains some support from Mr Ungers Bible dictionary; the Urim and Thummin...formed the medium through which the high priest was enabled to ascertain the will of Jehovah in regard to any important matters.

The argument that Jehovah does not need electronics to communicate with us is invalid.  We might as well argue that He does not use the printed word to communicate with us.  How many in the church are willing to accept that theory?

How can we say, then, that the Urim and Thummim are not the way the Lord chose to communicate with his people?  Does a two-way communication system, worn by the high priest, for the guidance of God’s chosen people not seem logical?  

Much more logical, in fact, than it does to believe that the Urim and Thummim were twelve cold stones used for Divine guidance!  Stones that were found who knows where and who knows by whom.  Dr Wilson concludes this topic by saying, Von Daniken’s hypothesis simply does not stand serious investigation.  I find, though, that Dr Wilson’s conclusions are ill-founded and at places contradict the Bible, which he insists is his main source of information.

Moses was told to engrave the names of Jacob’s twelve children; six on each stone.  Is it not interesting that simple, modern telephones have 12 push buttons and each button has some “engraving” on it; letters with which to spell the names of people!


Moses was the man that talked with God and made it possible for the religious leaders of his nation to talk to God.  Moses was the man who heard God say, I have started you on the way to the Promised Land, do as I have said, in my commandments, and all will go well with you.  I must leave you now, temporarily, for I have other things to attend too.  Until I come back, I send an angel before you, to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place which I have prepared.  Give heed to him and hearken to his voice, do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgression; for my name is in him. Ex. 23:20-21  

A modern way of saying this might be, I am sending my robot ahead of you to guide you on the right path and to bring you into the land I promised to your fathers.  Be careful to do what he says; do not make him angry, for a robot does not understand error and, consequently, cannot forgive your sins as I, the Lord can.  Remember, I have programmed him.

No!  An omnipresent God would not need electronics to commune with his people.  He would not need a spacecraft to be present everywhere at the same time.  Yet, some of the biblical incidents that we have looked at clearly show that Jehovah is not everywhere at the same time.  He said that He was placing their safety into the hands of an angel, was it because He was leaving them for a while?

As we noticed earlier: if He were omniscient and omnipresent, He would not have needed to walk from Abraham’s tent to Sodom to see what was going on there!  

If he was omniscient He would not need to ask questions because He does not know the answers.  He asked Cain, Where is Abel your brother?   What have you done?  Gen. 4:9-10.  

He would not regret His decisions of the past, The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. Gen. 6:6.

If He is the unchanging, eternal, self-existent God, why is He spoken of as having white hair?  Dan. 7:9.

Is it impossible for us to conceive of the idea that the Lord of the Israelites is an astronaut? Can we not also believe that He is not the only “such” god in the universe, or, for that matter, not the only “such” god in this world?  

I believe that there are other superhuman beings, (astronauts), whom, if we knew them as Moses knew Jehovah, we might call Gods.