Friday, August 30, 2013

The Cast: Noah, The Mariner

A Massive, Local Flood

The Bible does not say much about Noah.  I think that the most impressive thing that we are told about him is that Noah walked with GodGen. 6:9.  This is the same statement that was made about Enoch: the Astronaut. 

It is the same picture that the Bible paints of Adam in the garden before he disobeyed Jehovah the first time.  We have always been taught that this means that they had spiritual fellowship with each other.  I suppose that was included, yet it seems that the word, walk, implies, moving on feet.  

Just in passing it can be mentioned that Noah was the great-grandson of Enoch and it appears that Enoch taught his children well.

How pervasive was the flood?  It is true that the story says all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered. Gen. 7:9.  We remind ourselves that to the ancient writers the phrase "the whole world" meant only the world as far as they knew it.  Basically the Mesopotamian valley and the countries around the Mediterranean Sea.   This narrow picture might also have applied to the stars.

Crowded Beyond Belief

In speaking of the flood, and the animals in the ark, Mr Seagraves states that a sheep is the average size of all mammals on earth.  This allows for the variation between polar bears and mice, for example, because, on the average, they are about the size of sheep.  He also wrote that 35,000 sheep could have been on one level of Noah’s Ark.  There were three levels, but according to him, all the animals were on one level.  

Those who have studied the Bible story about the ark, agree that the ark was about 75 ft. (25 m) x 450 ft (76 m) for a total of 33,750 square feet of floor space on one level.  To put 35,000 sheep into 33,750 square feet, each sheep would have had slightly less than one square foot to stand in.  Mr Seagraves tells us that the animals were adults and that they were in the ark for more than one year. 
Sons of God Return, Kelly L. Segraves (Fleming H Revell, New Jersey)

It is not possible that a living adult sheep can be put into a space of only one-foot square. According to Mr Seagraves argument, it sounds as if each animal was stuck in its square foot of space, packed like sardines, unable to move for a whole year.  
  • What would Noah have done to get food and water to each animal?  
  • Furthermore, there would not have been enough air for them to breath, 
  • the heat and the moisture content in the ark would have been unbearable.  
  • We recall that the ark had only one window to get fresh air into it.
There are many Bible teachers who hold similar points of view as Mr Seagraves.  Ernst Mayr gives the number as 17,600 (kinds of animals).  Allowing for two of each species on the ark, plus seven of the few so-called "clean" kinds of animals, plus a reasonable increment for known extinct species, it is obvious that not more than, say, 50,000 animals were on the ark. 

Others have even suggested that each animal was in its own cage.  Others have suggested that before the flood came, Noah trained all 35,000 animals to do their “private business” into containers so that Noah and his sons would not have so much work to do while on the ark!  

I think that the people who came up with that idea were maybe just toying with those who come up with the other, just mentioned, hair-brained ideas.

But, remember, these arguments are prone to come from people who might also say, It is quite clear from this that God was to bring a worldwide cataclysmic flood upon the earth. It covered all the high hills. It didn't cover the tall mountains we see today, because these mountains didn't exist before the flood.  There was no Mt. Everest.  There were no Rocky Mountains. These were formed during and following the flood. Creation Science Network

But they insist that "the flood" happened only about 4,500 years ago.  No self-respecting geologist will agree that the mountains are this young.  Many geologists believe that the Rocky Mountain range is between 80 million to 100 million years old.

All of this was just a sidelight to point out the folly of those traditional viewpoints.  I believe that if we knew the actual facts of the story of the flood it might be believable. 

There are many interesting hypotheses as to how saving the animals in "The Flood" could have happened.  

Mr Yurchey explained it this way.  It is scientifically possible to place a life form in suspended animation reduced down to its DNA. ... Nowhere in the Bible does it mention that Noah went out and gathered each animal. It only says Noah brought them into the Ark. If the 'life cannisters' were all assembled for the Noahs by the gods and the simple people merely carried them in and secured them in place, then this does explain the Noah story.  
Copyright 2002 by Doug Yurchey. Copyright 2002

It seems as if biblical accuracy was not important to Mr Yurchey.  He speaks of Noahs and arks in the plural; the Bible does not.  He also says, Nowhere in the Bible does it mention that Noah went out and gathered each animal.  While this is true, the Bible does say, two of every kind will come to you. Gen. 6:20.  So Noah did not need to go chasing wild animals.  

As far as DNA goes, the Bible says, And you shall take for yourself of all food that is eaten, and you shall gather it to yourself; and it shall be food for you and for them. Gen. 6:21.  As I understand it, DNA in canisters does not need food.

The Epic of Gilgamesh, which is older than the oldest part of the Bible, says that during the heavy downpour of the great flood, No one can see his fellow, Nor can the people be recognized from heaven, The gods were frightened by the deluge, and shrinking back, they ascended. 
Archaeology and The Old Testament, James B. Pritchard, (Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.)  

A multitude of gods was the theology before the Israelites claimed that they had only one God.  From that stance, religious teachers went a step further and taught us that there is only one God.

Thank you, Mr Noah, for walking with God and for doing what He said you should.  If it wasn't for you, where would we be today?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Cast; Giants. the Wicked Ones

The Nephilim

Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the Lord said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, ...” But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Gen.6:1-8

In place of, the sons of God, The Living Bible has beings from the spirit world.  

Isn't it amazing what Bible translators will do to the Scriptures just to keep the false doctrines of the church intact!

Some believe that the sons of God were the righteous descendants of the line of Seth and that the daughters of men were the unrighteous descendants of the line of Cain.  When the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Gen. 6:4 These were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.  

Since when has a person been a mighty man just because he had a godly father and an ungodly mother?!

The New American Bible is in close agreement with up to date thinking about this subject, it states, At that time the Nephilim appeared on earth (as well as later), after the sons of heaven had intercourse with the daughters of man, who bore them sons. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown.  In place of Nephilim, some translations use the word, giants. 

The following quote is from The Forbidden Book of Enoch (written about 200 years before Christ was born) and it speaks of the involvement of the sons of God with human women.  And all the others together with them (the sons of God) took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments, ... they became pregnant and they bare great giants. ... And there arose much godlessness, and fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. 

It would not be out of place here to remind ourselves of the words of Christ, as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Luke 17:26-27.

yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.  Normally we think that this means that no one will live more than 120 years, but, The Contemporary English Bible has this interesting footnote, In fact, they will be destroyed in about one hundred years", (that is, at the time of the flood).

When the LORD saw how great was man’s wickedness on earth, and how no desire that his heart conceived was ever anything but evil, he regretted (did the Lord make a mistake?  In any case, He wished He would not have done that which He did do!) that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was grieved. So the LORD said: “I will wipe out from the earth the men whom I have created.Gen. 6:5-7.  The offspring of the male giants and female humans were evil.  The Lord decided to rid the world of this mixed race, by using a flood. 

We notice here that the word used is, Lord, it is not, God.  Dr Strong tells us that, Lord, in this case, means, Jehovah, but as we have already noted, God, throughout most of the Old Testament means, the gods.  This again distinctly points out the fact that Jehovah is only one of a plurality of Gods!

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  In the next post, we will have a brief look at "The Flood".

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Cast: Enoch, the Astronaut

A Man to be Envied

Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him. Gen. 5:24.  The phrase, Enoch walked with God brings to mind the statement found in Gen. 3:8.  They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.  It seems that The Lord, Jehovah, was fond of walking on earth, his laboratory, and communing with humans who, in fact, respected him.  Enoch was one of those people and the Lord enjoyed walking with him.

Then, one day Enoch was no longer to be found on earth because the Lord took him away.  We read of him again in the New Testament and find that he was translated that he should not see death.  James Strong tells us that the definition for the word, translation, is, transportation, i.e. transferal (to Heaven).  To update this phrase we might write it like this, Enoch was taken away in a UFO and he could no longer be found on earth because God had taken him away.  Hebrews 11:5.

To say that Enoch went to heaven in a UFO is speculation, but reading from the Book of Enoch in the Quamran text of the Dead Sea Scrolls causes one to speculate.  Eve looked up to heaven and saw a chariot of light travelling there; ... the chariot drove up to Adam, and smoke came out from between the wheels. 

The Book of Enoch 

The Book of Enoch is alleged to have been written by the man that walked with God, but it has not been included in our Bible.  Is it missing because the early church fathers were afraid of facing the things that Enoch wrote about?  Incidentally, that book was included in the early Abyssinian Church Bible.  

From the Book of Enoch also comes this futuristic idea: Having gone on board a spacecraft, he says, I saw the places of the sun and the moon, from which they set out and to which they return.  

By using the word, they, is Enoch saying that he visited the home planet of the Saucerians?  The word they cannot have been referring to the sun and the moon because they have no place from which they set out or to which they return.  

It is interesting to think that Enoch may have been among the first, of many humans, to be “space napped – taken away in a spaceship”.

The following quotes from the Book of Enoch are pink, the rest of the quotes are blue. 39/3 means chapter and verse, just as we use 39:3 when referring to our Bible.

39/3: ‘…a whirlwind carried me off from the earth…’ There are numerous references to whirlwinds which ‘spirited’ Enoch away into the sky. The angels ‘showed me all the hidden things’ and ‘mine eyes saw all the secret things of heaven.Enoch saw views that ‘no man shall see.In 33/4, Enoch states:I saw a great and glorious device.’

14/18-19: ‘I looked and saw a lofty throne: its appearance was as crystal and the wheels thereof as the shining sun…from underneath the throne came streams of flaming fire so great that I could not look thereon.’ Enoch mentions crystals and wheels.  The throne could be a vehicle where the angels sat and underneath were fires from the rocket thrusters. The ‘vision caused me to fly and lifted me upward and bore me into heaven.’

In The Book of Enoch …‘God’ is never mentioned; only plural gods or angels.

The main reason Enoch’s Book was deemed heresy and taken out of the Old Testament could have been the accurate astronomy.  Page after page concerns the sun, moon, yearly cycles and heavenly statistics. ‘Paths of the sun and moon,’ ‘their stately orbits,’ ‘courses of the luminaries’ and ‘revolve in their circular chariots’ are only a few quotes of Enochian wisdom.

75/8: ‘And I saw in the heaven running in the world, above those portals in which revolve the stars that never set.’ Only from space are there stars that never set. Remember, the Church during the time of Ecumenical editing condemned accurate astronomy. (Ask Galileo). Religious officials wanted the public to think that the Earth was flat, did not move and was in the center of all things.

As I report in my book, the Sumerian scribes reveal how many craft were involved in the Annunaki visit and, from the legends, and traditions, of later Middle Eastern peoples, we learn that they were circular and that they were what we would today call ‘flying saucers’. The reason why their true nature has been obscured is because they were given a religious interpretation.

Mithraism, another Pleiades linked sky-god religion, was brought to England by Roman soldiers after it arrived in Rome from the East. If Christianity hadn’t been adopted by Rome, Mithraism would have been its State religion and many people in Europe might still be following versions of the Early World sky-god religion.
Alien contact – Fact or Fiction. By: Leonard Farra:

In chapter 82, Enoch says, and now my son Methulsalem...I have revealed everything to thee and handed over to thee the books which concern all these things. 
Von Daniken. In Search of Ancient Gods. (Heron and Souvenir Press, New York).

It is such a dreadful shame that the church, “in all its holy zeal”, has neglected, or even destroyed, so many of the world’s great writings.  One wonders how different theology would be today if religion had not stood in the way of true knowledge.

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Cast: Pre Biblical Astronauts


Thanks, again, to the Babylonian scribes, we have the following story from pre-biblical times; the Epic of Etana.  "I will take you to the throne of Anu,” said the eagle. They had soared for an hour and then the Eagle said: “Look down, what has become of the earth!” Etana looked down and saw that the earth had become like a hill and the sea like a well...After the third hour, the earth was only a speck of dust, and the sea no longer seen”. 
Archaeology and The Old Testament, James B. Pritchard, (Princeton, New Jersey)  

If this is strictly fiction, the question arises: What gave the writers of pre-biblical times the idea that the earth could be left behind at such a speed?  Or, in fact, that the earth could be left behind at all?


From the Egyptian Book of the Dead comes this quote, This place has no air, its depth is unfathomable and it is black as the blackest night. 
Archaeology and The Old Testament, James B. Pritchard, (Princeton, New Jersey).  
  • Who told the Egyptian 3,500 years ago that space is black?  
  • From where did they get the idea that there is no air in space?
It seems a lot more realistic to assume that ancient, as well as modern, cultures, were visited by saucerians.  It is not beyond reason to suppose that the astronauts gave them specific information and on occasion even took them out into space.


More than 4,000 years ago, a Chinese man and his wife took up space travel.  Again, a statement like that, based on an ancient story, could be discarded if it were not for a few notable facts presented. 
  • We find first that they explored space by "mounting a current of luminous air."  Surely the current of luminous air is the exhaust of a fiery rocket? 
  • His wife, it seems, was content to travel to the moon, and she said, "it was a luminous sphere, shining like glass, of enormous size and very cold; the light of the moon has its birth in the sun.
          Gods from Outer Space. Von Daniken, (Bantam Books, New York, N.Y.) 
The astronauts of Apollo 11 also said that the moon was desolate with a glasslike soil.  It is cold in the shade.  If the Chinese did not go there, how did they know these facts 4000 years ago?
  • In a Collection of Old Tales from China, compiled in the fourth century, we find this interesting statement.  An enormous ship appeared on the sea at night with brilliant could also sail to the moon and the stars, hence its name ‘a ship hanging among the stars’ or ‘the boat to the moon’...this giant ship which could travel in the sky or sail the seas was seen for over 12 years.  
Why did it quit coming to earth?  Shi Ching says that when the Divine Emperor saw crime and vice rising in the world, he commanded Chong and Li to cut off communication between the earth and the sky – and since then there has been no more going up or down. 
We Are Not The First, Andrew Tomas, BantamBooks, New York


The Sanskrit from ancient India, recently translated into the language of modern day western readers, dates from about the third to the eighth century CE.  However, the ideas presented in those writings are slightly ahead of our times.

It is in the Mahabharata that we hear about Bhima who "flew with his vimana (flying machine) on an enormous ray which was as brilliant as the sun and made a noise like the thunder of a storm".  

And in the same great ancient Indian epic, we also hear about the great warrior Arjuna's ascent to Indra's heaven.  Importantly, Arjuna is, we are told, a mortal. However, during the telling of his particular adventure we are told of his ascent to heaven in a car that travels upwards to the clouds with a noise like thunder.  Whilst travelling to heaven Arjuna apparently also sees flying cars that have crashed and are out of action and other flying cars that are stationary, whilst others fly freely in the air.

"These were space vehicles similar to the so-called flying saucers reported throughout the world today."

In the ancient Vymanka-Shastra (the science of aeronautics), there is a description of a Vimana: "An apparatus which can go by its own force, from one place to place or globe to globe.  
Wikipedia: Mahabharata

South America

South America is rich in folklore about gods from the skies.  The following is a story of Bep Kororoti who mysteriously appeared to the villagers one day.  It took some time for the townsfolk to accept him as one of them, for "he had with him a weapon which he pointed at a tree and then a stone, and destroyed them both".

Finally, though, they did accept him and he married one of the local women and settled down.  Things went along quite well until the hero got restless and decided to leave the village.  Having gone up to the mountaintop, the story continues, "suddenly there was a tremendous crash that shook the whole region and Bep Kororoti vanished into the air, surrounded by fiery clouds, smoke and thunder.
Von Daniken, In Search of Ancient Gods. (Heron and Souvenir Press, New York).  

This reminds us, again, of the words of Exodus 19:16+18. When God descended on Mount Sinai, there were thunderings and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain…and the whole mountain quaked greatly.    

The next post will deal more with space travel and how it relates to Enoch, a biblical hero!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Cast: Adam, the Greens keeper

Maybe you are not keen on this much Bible study but I assure you that the purpose here is to emphasise the presence of ET's and spacecrafts, as they are found in the Bible, and so, of course, we must look at the Bible.

The previous posts have looked at the setting for this drama; we have studied the premises which are the foundation of this blog.  Now let's look at the cast of biblical characters, starting with Adam and Eve.  

Why Humans?

Why did the Gods create humans?  For years we have been told that Jehovah (the one God) created humans so that He would have someone to fellowship with.  It is "sorta" hard to imagine that the Great, Eternal, Omnipotent power could be lonely and need human fellowship!   However, if we see the Gods of the Bible as being ET's, it is easy to see other reasons than loneliness for creating humans.  

Here is an example: the ET's workload was too heavy and they needed help?  I will create man who shall inhabit the earth, That the service of the gods may be established, and that their shrines may be built.
Enûma Eliš, Tablet 1, lines 7-9

According to some scholars, Moses borrowed from the Atrahasis Epic, to write his own version of mankind’s relationship to the gods.  

The Atrahasis is the Akkadian/Babylonian epic of the Great Flood sent by the gods to destroy human life. Only the good man, Atrahasis (his name translates as `exceedingly wise') was warned of the impending deluge by the god Ea who instructed him to build an ark to save himself.

Part of that epic, says;

When the gods, manlike,
Bore the labor, carried the load,
The gods' load was great,
The toil grievous, the toil excessive.

… Create a human to bear the yoke…

Let man carry the load of the gods. 

Moses stated the same thought in these more familiar words, and there was no man to till the ground; ... And the Lord God formed man. Gen. 2:6-7.  The Gods made mankind so that the Gods would not have to plough their own fields. 

God said, Let us make man in our image. When that was done, the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. Gen. 2:15-16.  Even the Bible tells us that the Gods created humans to help them with the physical labour.

Adam ends up looking after the garden, doing the menial work, for The Ones who had created him.  Actually, this action, on the part of the ET's, is not at all out of line with what engineers are doing today.  Genetic engineers are miles ahead of what most of us can imagine in changing life forms.  We also have intelligent, thinking machines all around us; robots that do much of our thinking and our work for us.  It is just that, for the most part, they are not in human form, yet.

The parallels between the stories of Enkidu/Shamhat and Adam/Eve have been long recognized by scholars. In both, a man is created from the soil by a god, and lives in a natural setting amongst the animals. He is introduced to a woman who tempts him. In both stories, the man accepts food from the woman, covers his nakedness, and must leave his former realm, unable to return. The presence of a snake that steals a plant of immortality from the hero later in the epic is another point of contact. 
Wikipedia, The Epic of Gilgamesh.

Physical Comfort for the Gods

However, help with the workload may not have been all that the gods were looking for.  At least Jehovah, an ET, enjoyed the fellowship He had with Adam, in the cool of the day, in the Garden of Eden.  It is interesting that the Lord enjoyed walking in the garden in the cool of the day.  If He is not physical, how is it that the ambient temperature affects Him?

If we see Jehovah as a benevolent ET it is easy to imagine that He wanted this feeling of closeness with Adam and Eve to continue.  However, after Adam was guilty of disobeying distinct instructions, that closeness was severely hampered.  It was then that Jehovah decided that since Adam could not be trusted he was no longer fit to look after the garden.  

As the Bible is written, it is true that throughout the Bible Jehovah still communicated with chosen individuals, but, not so much as friends as to give laws or instructions and warnings. 

The close communion for the general public was forever gone, but Enoch walked with God.

There will be more about Enoch later.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

From Animal to Human

The Creation of Adam

The Epic of Gilgamesh is based on another version of the same events, which was a thousand years older yet.  In the oldest known, recorded version of the humanoid's fall into sin, the story goes like this. The milk of wild creatures he was wont to suck. Food they placed before him; he gagged, he gaped and he stared. Nothing does Enkido [Adam] know of eating food; ...The harlot opened her mouth, saying to Enkidu: “Eat the food, Enkidu, as is life’s due; ...Enkidu ate the food...of strong drink he drank...became human. 
Archaeology and The Old Testament, James B. Pritchard, (Princeton, New Jersey, 1959)

The later version of this story, The Epic of Gilgamesh records the story this way. But as for him, Enkidu, born in the hills - with the gazelles he feeds on grass, with the wild beasts he drinks at the watering place, the lass beheld him, the savage-man, the barbarous fellow...Reject him will his wild beasts that grew up on his steppe, as his love is drawn to thee.  The hero (Adam) spent some time with the lass (Eve), then the story goes on like this, it is not as before; but he now has wisdom, broader understanding.  Moses recorded that Adam's eyes were opened after he followed Eve's instructions. 
Archaeology and The Old Testament, James B. Pritchard, (Princeton, New Jersey, 1959)

In both versions of this story, it is apparent that the subject of the story was an animal before he became human.  It is from information gathered in these stories that Moses rewrote the story of the creation of humans.

The gods (the Anunnaki) had plans.  They were doing great scientific research on earth. The earth was the laboratory in which they kept their specimens.  One of the tests was to monitor the outcome of Adam’s mating with other species.  These tests had unsatisfactory results; it was then that the Lord enhanced Adam and gave him a new mate.  

Then the Lord God said, It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him. Gen. 2:18.  The Lord knew what He had in mind, but Adam did not have any inkling of what was to happen, so, while Adam was naming the various animals of the earth, he looked for one that would be suitable as a life’s mate, but for the man there was not found a helper fit for him. Gen. 2:20.  It seems as if Adam expected to find a partner among the animals of the earth. He didn’t. So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man and (He) made...a woman. Gen. 2:22 

The Creation of Eve

As to the creation of Eve, Mr Van Daniken had this to say.  Eve can hardly have blossomed forth in her naked beauty from the narrow rib of the male thorax by a conjuring trick-after a surgical intervention. Perhaps she originated with the help of a male sperm cell. But there...was no female human being in Paradise who could have received the seed, Eve must have been produced in a retort. Could foreign intelligences with their highly developed science and knowing about the immune biological reactions of bones have used Adams marrow as a cell culture and brought the sperm to development in it? 
Gods from Outer Space. Von Daniken, (Bantam Books, New York, N.Y.) 

In Genesis 1:26, there are important clues that the creation of Eve from Adam was not conducted by a singular God.  In this one sentence, there are three plural references: ‘us,’ ‘our’ and ‘our.’

First, one of the technicians caused Adam to fall into a ‘deep sleep.’ This was the anaesthesia. Second, a cell must be taken from somewhere on the body to create another body. The rib area was where the cell was taken. They ‘closed up the flesh’ is a modern expression describing the completion of the operation. Master-cloners could quickly form an adult and change the sex from the original. This idea was illustrated in a Star Trek Next Generation episode where a primitive was brought back to life and mistook Captain Picard as a god. He prayed to ‘the Picard’ and was later corrected. 
Copyright 2002-2012 by Doug Yurchey

When Adam saw Eve for the first time, he said, WOW! 

Actually, according to the Bible, he said, Therefore shall a man...cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Gen. 2:24.  What Adam is saying is that from now on, human shall mate only with human and they will produce only one kind of offspring; that is, they shall be one flesh.  

The idea of a man mating with an animal is not as absurd as it sounds.   Later, among the laws laid down by the God of the Jews, He forbade this practice and instituted the death penalty for it.   The fact that some people practice it in our own society might be a throwback to prehistoric, unenlightened days.

When Moses wrote the story of how Adam and Eve were enlightened he put the responsibility on them, and not on the Lord.  The Bible says, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened. Gen. 3:7

Things do not always work out as expected for the gods.  They had a special specimen until the serpent, perhaps not an animal at all, came along and spoiled it.  So the gods needed to change their plans.  They had hoped that the human race, their special creation, would continue in such a way that they, the creators, could keep on having fellowship with their creation.  

As it turned out the woman’s punishment for disobeying the Gods was that she would bear a large family, in pain, and that she would be subject to Adam in a way that she had never been before; your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you. Gen. 3:16.  

The gods must have been so very disappointed at this unexpected turn of events.  It was only a little while until they decided to destroy most of the human race and start over again with one man and his family.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Out of the Dust of the Ground

Aeons of Evolution

Scientists have proven, beyond doubt, that the earth is much more than six thousand years old.  Most Bible scholars have no difficulty accepting this fact.  It simply means that the six days of creation were not actual twenty-four hour days but rather aeons of time.  Anyway, why would a day have been twenty-four hours long before the sun was even created?

It has even been suggested that when Moses wrote, The evening and the morning were the first day, and, the evening and the morning were the second day, etc., he was referring to the time in which he saw the “video” which portrayed the events that are recorded.  For example, on the third day, he watched the “video” which showed when the world first began turning green and the first of the trees began to grow; and so on, for the six days in which he was watching “videos”.  On the seventh day, the Lord rested, (took a day off) from showing "videos".

Beyond doubt, also, are the findings that mutations and evolutionary changes have taken place.  Nor are these theories contrary to the teachings of the Bible.  However, anthropologists and archaeologists hit a snag when they look for “the missing link”.  Mutations, evolution, aeons of time all fit into the Bible narrative.  However, animal, evolving into human, does not.  At that point, where the missing link ought to be found, the Gods of the Bible (ET's) stepped in.  …there is convincing evidence to suggest that there was alien contact with this world and that it occurred more than 500 years before the Great Pyramid was built.

The statement of a witness, in a court of law, is acceptable as evidence and more credence is placed on this testimony when several people tell the same story. When it comes to Early World stories about extra-terrestrial visits to this planet, scholars regard them as myth even though thousands of initiated people, throughout the Ancient World, were taught that a being from the sky-world, sometimes with several companions, helped civilize their ancestors.
Although the Ancients gave this entity a variety of names, such as Viracocha in Peru and Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, he was often described as having the appearance of a tall, white, bearded man who wore a long white robe. The Ancients worshiped him as a god and some people were so amazed, when they saw him, that they thought he was the Creator. 
Alien contact – Fact or Fiction. By: Leonard Farra

Instant Success

At a certain point in time, The ET's implanted enlightenment into Adam and man became a new, thinking creation.  After that “operation”, humans were no longer beings which operated by instinct only, because God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soulGen. 2:7.

The word living here refers to an enhanced life, a quality of life that animals do not share with humans.  Man became alive with spirit after the Gods breathed into him the breath of life, but animals have no spirit since the ET's did not breath into them the breath of life as they did into the humans.

That was an instant “quantum leap”, hence no gradually developed missing link can be found.  However, this incident of becoming a living being did not endue them with the knowledge of sin; of right or wrong.  That was another incident altogether.

Specific details are given about the celestial beings, in the place called ‘heaven’ in Revelation, and this information, and the symbolism associated with them, suggests that the story of John’s ‘close encounter’ is based upon traditions associated with those entities who, 3,000  years earlier, were known to the Sumerians as the Annunaki-the Shining Ones. The Annunaki who, many researchers believe to have been Extra-terrestrials, were worshipped by the Sumerians as gods. Legend says that they first helped to civilise man but they later destroyed the evil people, on this planet, with a huge flood. The Sumerians arrived in Southern Iraq fully civilised, 5,000 years ago, and their scribes say that they were survivors of the Flood.  Civilisation, in various parts of the world, suddenly sprang up fully developed, at that time, and there is also evidence of flooding and a sudden dramatic climate change.  In other words, this era was not the Dawn of Civilisation, as most scholars believe, but its rebirth after the destruction of the previous age. 
Creation of Mankind – Sitchin’s View — World Mysteries Blog

There is a source of information, dating back to Sumerian times, about 5,000 years ago, about which Mr Sitchin says, The long and slow process of human evolution was “jumped-over” by the help of the Anunnaki (Ancient gods) creating us sooner than we could have ever evolved on our own. Except for the Knowing and the Longevity, by increasing to the level desired by the Anunnaki, we can best understand how the first human were created in its simplified story in Genesis; it involved the use of “clay” and by “breathing” the life into its nostrils.
Creation of Mankind – Sitchin’s View — World Mysteries Blog

The Book of Ecclesiasticus in The Apocrypha, as to the early development of mankind, states, They received the use of the five operations of the Lord, and in the sixth place he imparted them understanding, and in the seventh speech. Ecclesiasticus 17:5.  

The five operations undoubtedly refer to our five senses, which we have in common with the animals.  Later, at the point where Adam received understanding, he became human.  Out of that understanding, with the Lord’s gift of speech (physically), came the ability to talk.

Many Bible students, including James B. Pritchard, an archaeologist, believe that when Moses wrote the Book of Genesis, he based his writings on Babylonian folklore, which he had heard from the Jews.  These were stories, which they had originally received from their father Abraham who had brought these tales with him from Ur.  It was in Chaldea that The Epic of Gilgamesh originated.  

Mr Pritchard says, the Hebrew writers made use of traditions which were ready at hand as a means of presenting their own views about religion and life.  
Archaeology and The Old Testament, James B. Pritchard, (Princeton, New Jersey)

More about this topic in the next Post.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Spiritual, Non Physical God

Anthropomor What?

If we believe that the gods of the Bible are ET's we certainly do not believe that they are only spiritual-beings, without physical bodies.  

In spite of the fact that in the Bible, Jehovah is spoken of as having feet, hands, arms, eyes and other characteristics that humans also have the church has taught us that God is spiritual only.  Theologians call these physical attributes, anthropomorphisms.  

That means that the Bible speaks of God as being physical, even though He is not so that humans can better grasp the idea of what God is like.  Why not accept that the physical attributes of God, as found in the Bible, are actual?  Based on what the Bible teaches it is much more logical to believe that a superhuman being from another planet, (the Jehovah of the Bible), in fact, is physical?

Is God a Spiritual Being Only?

The Bible very clearly teaches that God has physical and emotional characteristics.  The claim is made that Jehovah is invisible because, those theologians who teach that say that, the Bible says that God is a spirit.  In the fourth Gospel, John writes, God is spirit. John 4:24.  It is vital to note that the Greek text and the more trustworthy versions of the New Testament do not include the word "a".  If John had meant to write that Jehovah was only ethereal (without a physical body), he would have needed to include the word a so that it would read God is a spirit.   But he did not include the word a, and so John 4:24 has no argument that God is not a physical being.

To be sure, the Bible speaks of the spirit of God; God has spirit as we also have spirit; after all, we are in His image.  John is saying that God is not wood, stone, or other inanimate object but that He is alive with spirit.  

Isaiah said, my eyes have seen the King, Jehovah of Hosts. 6:5.  Notice here what Bible teachers do to the Scriptures just to foster their own false teachings and the idea that Jehovah cannot be seen.  Lord, — here Adonai, (6:1) Jehovah.  In spite of the fact that the commentator has just told us that the word, Adonai, means Jehovah, he proceeds to say, Jesus Christ is meant.   To foster his point he uses John 12:41 which says, Isaiah said these things when he saw His (Jehovah's) glory and spoke of Him.  Isaiah could only have “seen” the Son, not the divine essence. Jamieson, Fausett and Brown.  This statement JFB makes, even though they just agreed that Isaiah said that he had seen Jehovah.  Even those who believe in the Trinity do not believe that Jesus Christ is Jehovah.

Admittedly, the Bible says the Jehovah is invisible.  The Bible also says that some people have seen Him.  So let us not blindly hold to one side of the argument, and without even thinking reject the other side of the argument.  Is it not possible that when Bible writers spoke of Jehovah as being invisible they meant that to regular humans, in a normal situation, He is invisible?  When He wants to show Himself as His normal physical self He can do that.

Most of us who believe that ET's have, and are, visiting planet earth have to admit that, to us, they are invisible.  Perhaps this is exactly what the Bible writers had in mind when they wrote that "God is invisible".

Does the Christian religion really have to be illogical?  Insert ET's and spaceships where the Bible speaks of God/gods and suddenly a new illuminating light shines on the inspired pages.