Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Premises

It is easy to see the idea of comparison throughout the Bible.  If we do not allow the Bible to use comparisons we face impossible contradictions in it. 

One example will suffice to prove the point, You who laid the foundations of the earth, So that it should not be moved forever. Psalms 104:5.  Contrast this with, For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Matthew 5:18.  

However, if we think of these contrasting words, in terms of comparison, there is no problem.  For if the earth lasted only a mere 100 million years, any poet or songwriter would be forgiven if he wrote that the earth will last forever even though it won't.  Let's, once and forever, get past the point where we think that everything in the Bible must be taken at face value.

Jehovah's Infinity

When speaking of God, one is tempted to put on a cloak of reverence for fear that God’s dignity will be stepped on.   Surely, one cannot come to honest answers if one does not face questions squarely.  Just as surely the gods are able to protect themselves from the errors of those who in all sincerity seek Him.  Without any disrespect intended to Jehovah, these posts dare to challenge the church’s statements and beliefs concerning “the Almighty”.

In speaking of the attributes of God, it is also well to think of the terms in comparison.  For example, when the Bible writers recorded the events, which had been orally passed on for hundreds of years they still spoke of the astronauts with awe and wonder.  They gave the impression that the gods were all-knowing, for, by comparison to the early man who knew nothing of the science by which the saucerians carried out their missions, the gods were omniscient. 

Suppose we were to place a hinterland aborigine, who had never encountered our complex culture in any way, next to a scientist who had at his disposal a computer.  It is not hard to imagine that that aborigine could go back to his people and tell them that he had met a man who knew everything.  For anyone with access to a computer search engine, this is almost true; hence, the idea of omniscience.  If those natives were so inclined, they might start worshipping that scientist as one of their gods.

The ET's, whom the early man called gods, may well have used rocket belts similar to the ones that science is building today.  Using methods of mobility like that, the gods could soar through the air or transport themselves from one place to another in a matter of seconds.  It is easy to see how this mode of transportation could have led to the belief that "God" is everywhere at the same time, for comparatively speaking, that was surely true.  Early man, who did not race around as we do, could easily have seen air transportation as the basis for omnipresence. 

Those astronauts, using electronic devices to speak to humans could speak without being seen by the ancient humans, and so it is no wonder that the humans spoke of them as being invisible and spiritual; without a material body. 

We will look at these, and other facets, of the nature of the gods, in more detail in future posts.

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