Saturday, November 19, 2016

150 - Christ's Birth is Predicted


 "Who is like God?"  Micah prophesied to both, Israel and Judah at the same time as Isaiah was prophesying to Judah.  Probably more than anyone else in the Old Testament, except maybe for Isaiah, Micah clarified the prophecy of the coming Messiah.  Before the Messiah comes there are more tears for Israel to shed!

For behold, Jehovah is coming out of His place, and will come down and walk on the high places of the earth. And the mountains shall melt under Him (He is coming in judgement). 

All this is for the transgression of Jacob, and for the sins of the house of Israel. What is the transgression of Jacob? Is it not Samaria?  Soon after Israel and Judah separated, in a civil war, the Israelites built a temple of worship in Samaria and in it, they worshipped other Gods. This was the transgression of Jacob.

And what are the high places of Judah? Are they not Jerusalem? Micah 1:3-5.  They were so proud of their temple; it was to be the place where Jehovah lived, but the temple Solomon had built had also become a sanctuary in which to worship other Gods.

To fill in the historical information gaps here I suggest:

After the destruction promised in the first three chapters of Micah the recurring theme of the restoration of Jerusalem, in the last days, is again promised. 4:1.  After Christ's return, Jehovah shall reign over them in Mount Zion from now on, even forever. 

Jerusalem, enemy troops have surrounded you; (speaking prophetically, he may have been referring to the Seleucid army). 

they have struck Israel's ruler in the face with a stick. This does not refer to doing any damage to the person, it is just a statement to represent insult.  We might use the phrase, "he spat in his face".  

And this One shall be (bring) peace.  When Assyria shall come into our land; and when he shall walk in our palaces. then we shall raise against him seven shepherds and eight anointed ones from men. 5:5.  

This statement is Supposed to mean the seven Maccabees, Mattathias, and his five sons, and Hyrcanus, the son of Simon. Barnes.  Back then, about 550 years before it happened, Micah was predicting that Assyria would enter Israel and be defeated.  Part of the Seleucid army was based in Assyria at that time.  This piece of history happened when the Maccabees fought the Seleucid army about 160 years before Christ was born.  

Bethlehem Ephrath, you are one of the smallest towns in the nation of Judah. But the LORD will choose one of your people to rule the nation -- someone whose family goes back to ancient times (someone who is the offspring of Ruth and Boaz; namely, Christ)

The LORD will abandon Israel only until this ruler
(Jesus Christ) is born, and the rest of his family returns to Israel.  The Jewish people were scattered all over the globe but in 1948, when Israel again became a nation, the Jews returned home in droves; so this prophecy was fulfilled.  

Yet, Micah, using a few similes, says, not all Jews will return to Israel but the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples as dew, as showers on a blade of grass, (scattered and pervasive) which does not wait for man, nor delay for the sons of men. 

This seems like a fitting portrait of the actual situation.  The Jewish people are ambitious, they will not sit around and wait for things to go their way, they will try to make things go their way.

The remnant of Jacob shall be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest.  5:7-8.  Throughout the years the Jews have become scattered across the world.  Sometimes, in their ambition, they are ruthless, like a lion in the forest.

Then, Micah says, Like a shepherd taking care of his sheep, this ruler (Jesus Christ) will lead and care for his people by the power and glorious name of the LORD his God. His people will live securely, and the whole earth will know his true greatness, because he will bring peace. 5:1-5 CEV.  

As we look at the history of Israel since Christ was born we see that Israel has not lived in peace as Micah predicted.  

I repeat what has been said a number of times already, the Old Testament prophets did not comprehend the concept of "the Church Age" which came between Christ's ascension into heaven and His return from heaven.  To their way of thinking, the birth of the Messiah, the one anointed by Jehovah, led immediately to the restoration of Israel, and Jehovah's kingdom on earth. 

Here is an aside note

Back when I was much younger and beginning to become aware of professional sports, I decided that, as a Christian, I could not watch, or in any way support, professional sports because they had become the religion; the players the items of worship; of North America.  

This week in the news, my belief was vindicated.  The Montreal Canadians have a new player and he is "so good" that they call him "God".  But it does not stop there.  I believe it is The Edmonton Eskimos that have an invaluable player and he is called "Jesus Christ'. 

Even though I do appreciate the game of hockey, I, a Christian, can not support the blasphemy involved in professional sports!  

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