Saturday, August 13, 2016

135 - The Fourth Beast

We now continue where we left off in the last post.

The Historical Beast 

  • They were a lion with its strength and dignity; 
  • a bear with its strength and desire to kill; 
  • a leopard, known for its swiftness, as the Grecian army was. 
After this I looked in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast.  Daniel does not specify what kind of an animal this was, it was just too different to fit into the animal kingdom. 

It was frightening and terrifying, and very strong.  Most Bible commentaries agree that this was the Roman empire.  Where ever it went, with its masses of soldiers, it conquered; even the speed of the Grecian leopard was not sufficient to "out-war" Rome.

It is interesting to note that the Expositors Bible Commentary separates the Median and the Persian kingdom into two (the second and the third beast) and so the fourth kingdom is the Grecian kingdom and not the Roman kingdom.  It seems that this is done because they do not believe that Daniel could have seen far enough into the future to predict the coming of the Roman empire.  

it had great iron teeth; as we recall, in Nebuchadnezzar's dream (ch. 2), iron (in the feet) was also used as the symbol of strength.  It devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped the rest with its feet.  The nations before this one, could be symbolised by normal mammals but this one was different (it was altogether different-Brenton) from all the beasts before it; and it had ten horns.  Some suggest that the ten horns were actually two five-pointed antlers, rather than ten separate horns. Guzik.  This might represent the Eastern and Western world powers.  The word horn is representative of power, kings or kingdoms; this beast was so pervasive it had ten horns.  

Others make this fourth beast to be the kingdom of Syria, ... which was very cruel and oppressive to the people of the Jews. ... And herein that empire was diverse from those which went before, that none of the preceding powers compelled the Jews to renounce their religion, but the kings of Syria did, and used them barbarously. Their armies and commanders were the great iron teeth with which they devoured and broke in pieces the people of God, and they trampled upon the residue of them. Matthew Henry.

Modern history might suggest another theory.  The Muslim religion has been and continues to be, the fastest-growing religion in the world.  To date, there are more Christians in the world than there are Muslims, however, it has been calculated that by 2050 there will be about twice as many Muslims as Christians.

I am not a prophet.  I sometimes change my viewpoint, but, for the time being, I'll paint the picture this way.  

The fourth beast is a mixture of Roman Catholicism and the Muslim religion (remember the two legs of Nebuchadnezzar's dream).  Like Christianity, the Muslim religion grew out of the Roman empire.  Throughout their history, they have both devoured and broke(n) in pieces many peoples and countries. 

The beast had ten horns.  According to Phillip Goodman, the ten kingdoms are:

In the West
Germany, these five are offspring of the Roman hierarchy. 

In the East, Rome retained its identity ... through the Byzantine Empire. They are:

The Little Horn

ven a casual look will show that this list has eleven kingdoms, not the ten that one would expect.  However, it is important to remember that another, the little horn, springs up later.  

That eleventh horn will be the Antichrist.  According to the newscasts, one hears these days, this man might refer to the leader of the final terrorist group!

For a lengthy, convoluted but good, interpretation of the ten horns, I suggest:

Three of the ten horns were uprooted, possibly these could be Iraq, Syria and Turkey and behold, there came up among them another little horn.  Each of the terrorist groups started as a little, seemingly insignificant power.  

The little horn has eyes like the eyes of man (portraying intelligence, strategy), and a mouth speaking great things. 7:7-8.  They boast of their accomplishments; they are bent on killing Jews, Muslims and Christians.  Later on, the slaughter of Jews becomes a major point in the Book of Daniel.  

And he (the little horn) shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High. 7:25.  They (the terrorist groups) take pride in what they are doing in spite of the fact that Allah, whose teachings they claim to follow, has commanded the exact opposite.

They will plot to change times.  All religions have special times of celebration but those special times will be abrogated by the little horn.  It will become illegal to celebrate those religious holidays.  Where the terrorist groups have the power they have already made such changes.

They will plot to change laws.  Those laws that befit a democracy will not be tolerated anymore.   Perhaps this change is a lot closer than we think it is.   

A Christian university in Canada, who, true to their religious beliefs, does not support the LGBTQ movement, was fined for drawing a distinction between LGBTQ's and regular people. 

Or, consider what happened in North Carolina.  At the state level, they took a stand against the LGBTQ movement, and the business world boycotted the state's businesses.  Whatever happened to freedom of religion in North America?  

Can Christians not stand up for what they believe the Bible teaches and get the same national respect that the LGBTQ community demands.  No! the times and laws are changing and Christians and Jews are in for a very rough ride ahead. 

And they shall be given into his (the little horn) hand until a time and times and one-half time (this is usually interpreted to mean three and a half years).  Perhaps we should not be too attached to a precise period of time; maybe it refers to only half of the perfect number, seven.

We must be careful not to crowd the ten horns into only the early part of the modern era,  because, later when Daniel explains the dream, he says,  I watched, and that horn (the little horn) made war with the saints and overcame them until the Ancient of Days came. 7:21-22.

So we see that the fourth beast and the little horn (The Roman and/or a Muslim government in its religious guise) will be the dominating force, democracy is fading worldwide and will continue to fade until Jehovah sets up His kingdom on earth.

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