Friday, February 28, 2014

The Redemption Story Begins

Talking Animals

Animals can not talk because they have no vocal cords.  That does not stop people from writing stories about talking animals.  From glib children's stories to lessons in morality, animals are our instructors.  Every culture does it, and the Jews were not lacking in that gift either. Numbers 22.

In Genesis 3 we have another talking animal story; the very fact that the story has a talking animal in it tells us that it is a symbolic story only; the story is not to be taken at face value, but the meaning of it is very literal!

The story starts by telling us that the serpent was the most cunning of all the animals that God had made.  Satan, in this story, appeared as a snake and said to Eve, that which God had said is not important or, that which He said cannot be believed.  

Normally Satan does not whack us with a piece timber to get us to follow him.  He would rather display a sweet little delicacy in front of us and make us think that the thing he is suggesting is really not a matter of importance; just like he did to Eve.  How much too often we believe his lies!  This story also tells us that Jehovah had given Adam fair warning as to what would happen if he disobeyed.

Some have argued that God was wrong when He said, in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.   Because Adam and Eve did not die that day.  In fact, the word death means separation, and the day that Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they were separated from Him. So the prediction was true and straight to the point.

Evil and Good

The Old Testament tells us that Adam (first man) was designed to be a servant. His function was to till the soil and to care for the lush gardens and crops owned by his “God.” As long as Adam and Eve accepted their servant status and obeyed their ever-present masters, all of their physical needs would be met and they would be permitted to remain in their “paradise” indefinitely. There was, however, one unpardonable sin that they must never commit. They must never attempt to seek certain types of knowledge. Those forbidden forms of knowledge are symbolized in the story as two trees: the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” and the “tree of life.” The first “tree” symbolizes an understanding of ethics and justice. The second “tree” symbolizes the knowledge of how to regain and retain one’s spiritual identity and immortality.

Eating of the tree of knowledge is tantamount to "trying to become like the gods".  The gods have knowledge; humanity did not before they disobeyed Jehovah. Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. Genesis 3:22.  

After Adam and Eve had obtained knowledge Jehovah made very sure they would not also gain eternal life.  About this, Ancient Origins writes: but one thing remains clear: immortality is meant for gods, not for men.

Or, perhaps, there is a way to gain eternal life after all.  Here in 3:15 there is an allusion as to what might happen.  Jehovah said to the serpent (in the story), Satan in real history,
And I will put enmity 
Between you and the woman, 
And between your seed and her Seed; 
He shall bruise your head, 
And you shall bruise His heel.” 

Meaning: your forces of demons and evil spirits will fight against humans, you will keep on destroying many of them, but in the end, He, someone from the human race, will bruise your head.  However, Jehovah did not enlarge on that prophecy at that time.  

Much, much later in history, Jesus Christ, God's son was born; in His lifetime He preached a moral lifestyle, He spoke of giving oneself for others.  He said I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6.  He also said, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life. John 10:27-28.  

If we are going to put any store into the validity of the Bible we must believe that those that follow Christ will (do) have eternal life.  From the human point of view Christ was wrongfully executed, but by the time He rose victorious over death, He had crushed Satan's head. 

Eternal life is possible even for humans because Christ has "opened the gates of Paradise".  He has bruised Satan's head.

Friday, February 21, 2014

3.The Creation of Humans

A Joint Effort

In Genesis 1:26, there are important clues that the creation of Eve from Adam was not conducted by a singular God. In this one sentence, there are three plural references: ‘us,’ ‘our’ and ‘our.’ 
Copyright 2002-2012 by Doug Yurchey

This first man was created in Eden, a Sumerian word which means ‘flat terrain’. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Eden is mentioned as the garden of the gods and is located somewhere in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Sumerian mythology claims that, in the beginning, human-like beings of extra-terrestrial origin ruled over Earth. Those beings, or gods, could travel through the sky in either round or rocket shaped vehicles. These beings toiled Earth’s soil, digging to make it habitable and mining its minerals.

It is interesting that the Anunnaki are known as "the shining ones".  
  • Did they get this name because they were mentally so much superior to humans that they were thought of as being bright?  
  • Was it because they wore shiny suits?  
  • Or was it because they appeared to the Sumerians in bright shining spaceships? 
About 3,600 years ago people were already writing about UFO's and as early as the days of Adam, people were communicating with those who came to earth as saucerians.

Many Ufologists believe that the "spacemen" have come to earth for the gold, which they need, on their home planet.  Some say it is for the purpose of purifying the atmosphere on NIbiru.  In this connection, it is interesting to note that in the creation story, in the Bible, it does mention gold.  Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads. The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one which skirts the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good. 
Gen. 2:10-12.

Toil and Trouble

Some archaeologists and Ufologists believe that the demigods were responsible for procuring the required gold and for providing the needed provisions for themselves and for the Anunnaki. Having to do so much labour irked the demigods and they asked the Anunnaki to create some form of life that could at least produce and provide the needed provisions.
For more of the following story in blue go to;

When the gods like men
Bore the work and suffered the toll
The toil of the gods was great,
The work was heavy, the distress was much. 

Anu, the god of gods, agreed that their labour was too great. 
and there was no man to till the ground; Gen. 2:5

His son Enki, or Ea, proposed to create man to bear the labour, and so, with the help of his half-sister Ninki, he did. (From) that material the first human being was created, in likeness to the gods.
Then God (the gods) said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; Gen.1:26.  Remember that the word "God" is a plural word.

So he (Anu) said, 
I have removed your heavy work
I have imposed your toil on man.

Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. Gen.2:15

Here is an interesting sidelight:
Historical records and modern testimony describe them (saucerians) as physically humanlike, racially diverse, and, most importantly, very similar to human beings behaviorally. For example, some modern-era UFOs have exhibited adolescent prankishness by racing at airplanes as though they were going to collide, and then abruptly veering away just as impact seemed imminent: an apparent game of aerial “chicken.” At least one modern witness has allegedly been “zapped” by a UFO for no other apparent reason than malice.
For more on this theory go to:

Friday, February 14, 2014

2.The Creation of the Universe

The Gods

Biblical authors simply altered names and changed the many “Gods” of the original writings into the one “God” or “Lord” of the Hebrew religion. The latter change was an unfortunate one because it caused a Supreme Being to be blamed for the brutal acts that earner (earlier)    writers had attributed to the very God-like Custodians.                                                                             

Interestingly above Brahma, of the Hindu religion, there is Brahman, the source of all creation - that which scientists these days are calling The Akashic Field.  
For more on this see:

The way I see it "The Akashic Field", the creating force of all things, is the God of Genesis 1:1-25; the "God" no one can know, begin to fathom or even have an idea of what "it" is like.

From Genesis 1:1 to 2:3 that force is referred to almost exclusively as "God", but starting in 2:4 the term "God", almost exclusively, changes to "Lord God".  

Notice, also, that nowhere in the creation story, until the creation of humans does the Bible speak of "God" as "us".  From this point of view it is easy to see that the God who created the universe is The Akashic Field, but at that point where "the gods" start creating humans, and begin saying "us", it is the Annunaki that become the centre stage characters.

However, before we get ahead of the story, it would be good to compare part of the Enuma Elish (dated about 1,800 BCE) text with Genesis 1 (dated 1400 BCE or later).   We can see that the writer of Genesis may have used the Enuma Elish as his reference work.

And the primeval Apsu, (The Akashic Field) who begat them,
In the beginning God (The Akashic Field) created the heavens and the earth.

And chaos, Tiamut, (the primordial sea) the mother of them both

The earth was without form, and void; 

Their waters were mingled together, -

He split her up like a flat fish into two halves;
One half of her he stablished as a covering for heaven.
Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” Thus God (The Akashic Field) made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament;

And no field was formed, no marsh was to be seen;
before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown.

He (Marduk) made the stations for the great gods;
The stars, their images, as the stars of the Zodiac, he fixed.

He ordained the year and into sections he divided it;
For the twelve months he fixed three stars.

Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; “and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth".

The Moon-god he caused to shine forth, the night he entrusted to him.
He appointed him, a being of the night, to determine the days;

Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. Genesis 1:1-18

When of the gods none had been called into being,
And none bore a name, and no destinies were ordained;
Then were created the gods in the midst of heaven, 

According to this theory, this is where the gods who refer to themselves as "us" and "our" (in Genesis) enter the picture. John Black writes, It is interesting here to note that no one god is responsible for creation, as even gods are themselves part of the creation.

A Separate God

Jehovah, later the leader of the Jewish race, is one of those Annunaki.  Here are a few of the heroes of ancient texts: The Sumerians called their God Anu; the Egyptians called their God Ra (with some variations), Many Hindus hold Brahma to be the main god; and the Jews called their Annunaki - YHWH.

According to ancient texts, all around the world, there were also lesser gods (demigods) at the time that the Anunnaki were presiding over the affairs of ancient civilizations.  In the Bible, the demigods are called, the sons of God. Gen. 6:2; Job 1:6.  We must not believe modern Bible scholars when they tell us that, sons of God refers to angels.  When the Bible means to speak of angels it calls them angels.

Specific details are given about the celestial beings, in the place called ‘heaven’ in (The) Revelation, ... the story of John’s ‘close encounter’ is based upon traditions associated with those entities who, 3,000  years earlier, were known to the Sumerians as the Annunaki-the Shining Ones. The Annunaki who, many researchers believe to have been Extra-terrestrials, were worshipped by the Sumerians as gods. 
Creation of Mankind. Sitchin’s View — World Mysteries Blog

Ancient writers describe their extraterrestrial “Gods” as being capable of love, hate, amusement, anger, honesty, and depravity.  Ancient records and modern testimony alike would indicate that Custodial personalities run the entire gamut from saints to sinners, from the most degraded of despots to the most true-hearted of humanitarians.

As I have said before, and maintain even now, the Jehovah of the Bible does not meet the criteria of an Omni-everything God.  If we read the Bible carefully, without our prejudiced views marring our vision, we will readily see that to be true.

Here it might also be worthwhile to mention again that the Sumerian text may be a thousand years older than the Books of Moses, but many of the stories in the book of Genesis are very reminiscent of those found in Sumerian writings.  It seems very obvious that Abraham took those oral stories with him when he left Sumer and went to live in the land of Canaan.  

Moses, or some other writer(s) of the Books of Moses, had heard these stories since childhood and they wanted to record them, now that they had the opportunity to write.  However, from the time Abram left Ur till the time of Moses was about five hundred years, and oral stories have a way of changing over time.  

Abram was the first in his line to deal directly with YHWH.  This God took his complete attention, in the religious arena.  However, by the time Genesis was being written, much in the story had changed and so it is not surprising that in the creation story of Genesis the writer is not too clear as to which God(s) did what.  

He keeps on insisting that Israel has only one God, but the writer repeatedly allows for the fact that there are also other Gods.  

Friday, February 7, 2014

1.Touching on a Moral Issue

Hello Again

After a leave of absence from my blog, for a few months, I felt like resuming blogging. My daughter's words, in one of her posts, fit me exactly, I like to write and writing helps me think, and I need all the help I can get.

If you have read my posts you know that I have been proving, from the Christian Bible, that many of the heroes of the Bible stories were, in various ways, involved with ufos.  Of course, people who follow the preacher's learning or the priest's admonitions will never see it from my point of view because, if they did, they would be obligated to do their own thinking. 

Most "Christians" do not want to exert the energy involved in making sure that what they believe is actually based on what the Bible teaches.  If you have followed my posts you know that most of my statements were substantiated with Scriptural texts.  A few times I conjectured; a few times I imagined how it might have been.

Here some might object and say that, for example, the Bible says there is only one God but that I said that the Patriarchs of the Bible were polytheists, and that means that I contradicted the Bible.  However, that same statement could be argued in reverse.  If, for example, "the church" believed in polytheism I could come along and say that the Bible distinctly says there is only one God.  So, in either case, I would not have contradicted the Bible, I would only have used different Bible verses to prove that the statements I made were actually true.  

The point I am making, is, let us not be bound to what others tell us to believe, let us do our own thinking.  If, indeed, we are narrow-minded enough to believe that the Bible is the only literature that Jehovah has ever "had written", then let us at least look at that piece of literature with an open mind and see what is actually in that Book.  However, better than that approach is to also include in our foundation other books of antiquity and deep thought.

In the time that I was away from blogging I did some more studying about the nature of and the validity of the idea of ancient "gods" living on "our" planet (which really is not ours).  In my next post, I will resume with my Bible study.

Shameful Pride

But, in the meantime, let's hear it for Mayor Rob Ford of Toronto, in spite of his faults and failures, he at least has the fortitude to refuse to go to a parade if he does not want to go. Then, there are those bigots who call him derogatory names, because of what he believes. There are also those who put their disgusting flag up on a pole where it is so totally out of place, and the Toronto city council says it is OK.  Shame on you!

And, while I am on the subject, what business does North America, and much of the rest of the world, have to insist that Russia must lower its moral standard just because our own moral standard is being dragged through the mud by a few degenerates who should learn to keep their private lives private?